Friday, August 29, 2008

Elizabeth's Plan for the Day

This may be really crazy... posting what I intend to do ahead of time, because you rarely completely stick to a plan at a conference, but let's give it a shot. I'm giving you the description from the program, and then my comments in parentheses.

1pm - An Hour in the Buffy Verse - We spend an hour with a Buffy Fan Favorite as he answers our questions about his roles in Buffy, Angel, Smallville, Torchwood and more -- James Marsters (Okay, I know this isn't very literary... but... I am responsible for the Young Adult programming... and DUDE! It's JAMES MARSTERS! For the record, I am going to miss Nathan Fillion for the next session...)

2:30pm - Who Ya Callin' A Kid? - In conjunction with the YA track, we will attempt to identify what elements make a book YA and whay pushes it over the edge into the adult sf genre. Help us find the answer. (Sarah and I are both going to this).

4pm - To Be SF ...or Not To Be SF? - There are some books that lack only a small detail to be science fiction. There are some that are science fiction but only periferally. Where do we draw the line?

7pm - Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog! LIVE! (Well, okay, not live. It's basically Rocky Horror, but with Dr. Horrible. 'Nuff Said)

8:30pm - Sheroes: Strong Female Characters - Some of the strongest female role models are today's YA heroines; we have Hermione's book-smarts, Lyra's cunning, and Alanna's perserverance. (Tamora Pierce is the big name on this panel, and also Diana Tixier Herald will be known to my librarian readers as the author of Genreflecting for Teens. She is also on the panel. Unfortunately, I may be exhausted at this point, so I hope I make it there.)

Midnight - Sarah is dragging me out to see Abney Park and Voltaire.

okay... that's the plan! Let's see what happens!


Anonymous said...

Oh no effing way, an hour with James Marsters. Okay, I was not enamored with him, like some people. But he's from Buffy. God I'm so jealous.

eaf said...

It was totally awesome. Working on a better post... Got some video, albeit kinda poor quality. He, on the other hand, is awesome. If I wasn't a fan before, I am now.